Constructing information and communication technology as supporting institution for the development, implementation, service and mastery of science and technology to realize the Vision and Mission of Wijaya Putra University.

  1. Being a major support units in the development, implementation, service and mastery of information technology and communications at the University of Wijaya Putra.
  2. Providing excellence service in area of information and communication technologies which integrated to support the process of academic, administrative, research, and community service.
  3. Organizing the education process on the bases of information technology and communications.
  4. Developing and spreading out science and technology through information and communication technology contribution
  1. Disseminating research results to improve people's lives by using information and communication technology.
  2. Empowering communities through the application of science and technology with the use of information and communication technology.
  3. Establish cooperation with other parties in order to develop education, research, and community service with information and communication technology-based.
  4. Making information and communications technology as the lifeblood of the organization's management at University of Wijaya Putra.